As scary and worrisome as it might seem, majority of women with this presentation have very good outcome. Bleeding from the vagina, either during or just after sexual intercourse, is never normal and should always be checked by a doctor. It is very important to inform your doctor about the bleeding and seek expert counsel .
A variety of vaginal, cervical, or uterine conditions can lead to bleeding as a result of sex, such as general inflammation, various sexually transmitted infections (STIs), or abnormal growths that may be a sign of cancer.
Bleeding during or after sex is a relatively common occurrence that can have many causes, most of which are not serious or dangerous. Believe me! That being said, there are some instances when medical treatment is necessary, however, so further evaluation would be helpful if this bleeding continues after one episode
To put a number to it, bleeding within/ after sexual intercourse (also called "post-coital bleeding") is not rare; up to 10% of women have had this at some point in their lives. Conventionally any abnormal bleeding beside your monthly cycle can bring up the cancer anxiety syndrome, most women will freak out and ask "Is this cancer?" However, on the contrary, fortunately, the risk of cancer with post-coital bleeding is not common (thousands of women will have this type of bleeding for every one cancer found).
Should you have an episode of intra coital/ post-coital bleeding, you should see your healthcare provider pronto. It is possible that the source of the bleeding is the vagina, as small tears from intercourse may occur at any age (but more commonly after menopause due to the loss of elasticity or "vaginal dryness" as it is commonly known).
Some disease condition can also cause bleeding during sex. The cervix may have a benign (not life-threatening) condition where the cells usually found on the inside the cervical canal are on the outside of the cervix. These cells are sensitive to touch (such as during a Pap smear or intercourse) and may bleed.
Also, bleeding might be a tell-tale sign of infection. Normally any vaginal discharge should be cultured and looked at under a microscope, since infections such as chlamydia can cause bleeding if they affecting the cervix.
Some tiny growths in the vagina can also lead to bleeding, this growth can be benign cervical polyps (they look like little skin tags on the cervix) , and luckily can easily and painlessly be removed in an office setting.
Please note, for completeness, a Pap smear should be done if the woman is due for one (depending on her age and previous Pap smear history) and any lesions on the cervix (or the vagina) should be biopsied to evaluate for pre-cancer or cancer of the cervix. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. A STICTH IN TIME SAVES NINE
In summary, in the majority of cases, however, no cause is found for the post-coital bleeding. But like discussed already if the bleeding persists or there is bleeding other than post-coital, a further evaluation of the cervical canal and/or uterus should be done by a gynecologist.

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