What is Labor?
Labor is the process by which the fetus (growing baby in the tummy) and the placenta leave the womb. Delivery can occur in two ways, vaginally or by a cesarean delivery. Labor is a natural process, however sometimes, for some medical, physical, physiological or structural reasons it can be delayed, prolonged or stalled!
Normally, your baby will come out when s/he is ready and some just like to take their time. Yes, you heard that right! However, if you have passed your estimated EDD or your induction date and medical intervention is looming, you might feel like you want to give him/her a gentle nudge to come soon! It is only natural to be apprehensive and stressed when the bay you have been cooking for 9 months is not forthcoming!
Before the advent of conventional, orthodox, modern day medical practice, there are some natural methods of bringing on/ aiding labor.
But, don’t be too fast.. Slow down! Before we proceed, take note of this important WARNING! There are very little hard scientific evidence relating to either the effectiveness, or the safety of any of these methods. There are paucity of evidence to support the claims! The studies that have been done tend to be small and evidence is difficult to verify. The real question is, if labor is due any way, how do you know whether it was the curry goat soup you ate last night that actually brought it on?
It is IMPORTANT to talk to your midwife, care giver or doctor at your next check-up before you try any of these methods below. This is particularly important if there are any complications in your pregnancy, as there is even less evidence about the safety of these methods in a high-risk pregnancy.
Various methods of natural and non-medical ways to ripen the cervix and induce labor include:
1. Relaxation— this is a relatively easy to use technique. You have to practice how to stay calm in the storm! Use relaxation techniques taught in any childbirth class. Use visual imagery of labor beginning. The most important thing to do is to find a way to relieve tension. Tension works against labor. Relieve it, let everything go, and you may be surprised to find yourself in labor. THIS WORKS FOR SOME LADIES.. LIKE MAGIC!
2. Visualization— Remove all the noise and just lose yourself to your vivid imaginations Just imagine your womb contracting as well as the process of labor hypnosis or self-hypnosis has been known to really do wonders with this one. This is another non-medical relaxation technique.
3. Nipple Stimulation— Nipple stimulation is the gentle rubbing or rolling of the nipple to encourage the start of contractions. The theory is that oxytocin, a hormone that causes contractions is released in the body when the breasts are stimulated. However a recent review of studies found that contractions after nipple stimulation did not over-stimulate the womb, which could be dangerous for the baby. There is a lack of research on the safety of this technique in high risk pregnancies, so currently it is only recommended in normal pregnancies.
4. Sex— yes, you heard that right! Sex as a means of getting labor started is thought to work in three ways: first, orgasm may help to stimulate the womb into action. Secondly, sex can trigger the release of oxytocin, and third, semen contains a high concentration of prostaglandins which may help to ripen or soften the cervix. Sex is safe as long as your waters have not broken. Once this has happened, making love may increase the risk of infection. You should also avoid sex if you have a low-lying placenta (placenta previa) or have had vaginal bleeding. Men often feel uncomfortable making love to their partners with a baby so obviously present, but the baby will be unharmed.
5. Walking— The explanation appears to be that the pressure of your baby’s head pressing down on the cervix stimulates the release of oxytocin, hopefully bringing on labor, also just being upright gets the forces of gravity working for you, encouraging the baby to move down into the pelvis. Be careful not to wear yourself out. Labor can be exhausting and you don’t want to use up all your energy before you have begun. This is not the moment to take up power walking, particularly if you have not done much exercise earlier on in your pregnancy. A gentle stroll is probably the best you will be able to manage.
6. Foods— here we go! Here comes the Pineapple theory! Funny enough, there are so many claims and counter claims about the role of food in the process of labor. You must be very careful what you gulp down regarding such claims!
Unfortunately, the statistics are out on this one, there is simply not enough research to support that any foods including PINEAPPLE are effective in inducing labor. Historically women have sworn the following are foods that will induce labor: Pineapple, Spicy foods, Chinese Foods, Eggplant Parmesan,
Top of this list is spicy foods, like hot peppers or any other spicy food. However recent research is now showing that these foods may be something to avoid prior to labor in actuality!. Certain spicy foods release capsasins, which may be counterproductive in labor. When the baby descends down the birth path, the pressure exerted releases endorphins which are a natural pain killer. In effect, the capsasins counteract the endorphins and rob the mother of her natural ability to have a pain-free birth. SO BE MINDFUL AND CAREFUL!
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