1. Have I married the wrong spouse? I and my spouse don't see eye to eye; we fight too much.
ANS: Disagreement is normal in marriage. Every couple disagree from time to time. However, how we handle disagreement and conflict differs, that is what create abuse and fights. Learn conflict resolution skills. Learn how to air your opinion respectably. Don't shout, yell, abuse or scream at your spouse when you are angry. If the discussion is getting heated, take a break. Look for somewhere to calm down. Think over the problem, try to understand your spouse's point of view then re approach the matter in a better way and in a calmer environment where your spouse can listen to you...
2.QUES : My husband always ask for sex and would not take NO for an answer.
ANS: Men are wired differently from women and his sex drive is higher than yours hence the regular NEED for sex. His demand is not abnormal at all. Read books on men's physiology and psychological make up. Read good books on sex, they will help you a lot. Learn to welcome him every time he needs you and if you are busy or sick, respectably and lovingly explain to him with a promise to make up as soon as you are less busy and well. Telling a man no all the time hurts and affects his self esteem. He feels rejected, unwanted and unloved.
3: QUES: My wife wastes resources...
ANS: every family should have a budget and must be disciplined enough to stick to it. When there is a budget and both parties are disciplined to follow it to the letter, waste can easily be curbed. Lack of financial plan and budget lead to waste. Does she know how much you earn sir? If she doesn't, she might make a big demand on you and spend lavishly thinking she can always get more from you. Women, being emotional beings easily buy on the spur of the moment and how that product makes them feel not what they really need. As women, we should always leave home with a list of all items we want to buy so we won't buy unnecessary things and allow a sugar coated tongued marketer/seller pressure us to buy things we really don't need. We must learn to manage resources well so our husbands can trust us and commit more resources in our hands. (To be continued). Compliments of the season. God bless you. Cheers!
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